Best video of cleaning a window AC unit
May 5, 2020 1:40 PM   Subscribe

Hi there - I'd like to show my landlord how easy it is to clean a window AC unit (when you have access to a hose, and strong people to carry it, which I don't). There are a lot of videos showing how to do this - what's the best one?

If there's some collection of household how-to videos that's exceptionally well done, I'd love a pointer to that. But maybe you've looked at a lot of window-AC-cleaning videos and have one to recommend?

I'd like something short, clear, that shows the unit being taken apart and all the dirt and grossness inside, and how easy it is to eliminate that dirt and grossness. It needs to be authoritative and matter-of-fact, and to explain how important this step is, ideally.

My landlord is a dude who is significantly older than me. I think he'll probably respond better to a dude, unfortunately (trust me on this), but if the video's solid and sends the "this is the normal dude landlord way to do things" signal I'll take anything.
posted by amtho to Home & Garden (1 answer total)
Response by poster: In case you're thinking "of course he already knows how to do this", believe me, he's clueless about a lot of things. He doesn't come from a handyperson background, and he hires people who are untrained/inexpensive (clever and hardworking, yes) -- but he probably wouldn't hire someone to do this; he'd just get one of his sons to do it.
posted by amtho at 2:11 PM on May 5, 2020

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