Places to see in Chile?
February 27, 2020 1:46 PM   Subscribe

We will be passing thru Santiago on way to Easter Island. With 4,5 days in Chile, suggestions to things to see?
posted by ebesan to Travel & Transportation around Chile (6 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
La Chascona in Santiago, the former home of Pablo Neruda, is totally wonderful. Even if you know nothing about Neruda, it's just a beautiful place to visit (and you'll know more about him by the time you leave). His place in Valparaiso is also open to visitors, though I've not been there myself. Neruda aside, Valparaiso itself is worth a day trip from Santiago.

It's a while since I was there, but I spent many weekends in Santiago and also enjoyed:

Mooching round the Mercado Central (which is a fish market, so YMMV depending on your tolerance for fish), eating at the branch of Liguria near Manuel Montt tube station (go inside and eat in the interior terrace, it's cool) and it's worth being touristy and taking the funicular up Cerro San Cristobal, though the views in Santiago can be adversely affected by inversion and pollution. You can be there for a couple of days without even seeing the Andes and then WHAM suddenly one day there they are.
posted by penguin pie at 2:12 PM on February 27, 2020 [2 favorites]

Was there just a few weeks ago and I can recommend the area called "Lastarria," which is just east of Santa Lucia Park. It's kinda boho, so expect something both visibly left and also kinda safely bourgeois. That's a bit to wrap your head around, maybe, but there are at least some nice daily flea markets, street art, restaurants and bars.

Santa Lucia Park isn't a bad place to spend a few hours either.
posted by sjswitzer at 5:24 PM on February 27, 2020 [1 favorite]

I took a bike tour with La Bicicleta Verde in Santiago was great. Definitely go to the Museum of Memory and Human Rights to understand the impact of the Pinochet regime. You need several hours to really experience it. The Museum of PreColumbian art is also excellent.

And go eat at Peumayan for a taste of indigenous food. And Drugstore Galeria is a small mall that features stores with made in Chile products cute place for clothes, bags, gifts, arts & crafts.
posted by brookeb at 8:14 PM on February 27, 2020 [1 favorite]

If you're near Los Domínicos, the colonial style church and the artisans market is a classic! It's an upscale area with a sense of folklore that is authentic (criollo) but very different from what you'd find e.g in Santa Lucía. It's probably my favourite part of town.

Please eat humitas and/or porotos granados--it's peak season! Also try out the peaches and melons, all currently in season.

Excellent recommendations above! If you go to La Chascona (please do!), go have lunch at Venezia restaurant in Bellavista. It may look a bit sketchy but the food is excellent and as authentic as it gets.
posted by ipsative at 12:18 AM on February 28, 2020 [1 favorite]

The bahá'í house of worship is def worth seeing if you're interested in different religions / unique architecture.

Also, eat all the empanadas. You'll miss 'em!!
posted by speakeasy at 2:54 AM on February 29, 2020

We had such a great time at the Geométricas hot springs. Also, wanted to recommend a visit to Hotel Baobab in the Huilo-Huilo reserve.
posted by mirthe at 11:55 AM on March 1, 2020

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