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January 1, 2020 12:38 PM   Subscribe

I'm trying to find a catalogue of paintings by Soviet artist Georgy Nissky (Гео́ргий Григо́рьевич Ни́сский). Difficulty level: The sponsoring museum has closed permanently, and it's not clear that the book was ever even published.

I've recently become enamored of Nissky's paintings, particularly the ones referencing landscapes and travel. There are no Western editions collecting his works, and even those published in the former Soviet Union exist in extraordinarily scarce editions which are now more than a half-century old.

This article about a 2018-2019 exhibit at the now-closed IRRA museum in Moscow implies that there was a published catalogue containing reproductions of many, if not quite all, of his works. The exhibition clearly happened, but I can find no record of publication of the catalogue. It doesn't exist in any secondhand online outlets, and the museum's own website appears to be a static page at this point.

Thanks to some deep research, I found the names of the catalogue designers: Irina Chekmareva and Andrey Shelutto. I've emailed both of them via their respective sites/portfolios, but received no response. Likewise nobody seems to be minding the various social media outlets (cx, IG) of the Museum. I've exhausted my ability to search in Cyrillic and so far can't find any trace of it that way either.

Anyone out there feel more confident in their ability to sleuth in another language/alphabet system to see if this book actually exists?
posted by mykescipark to Media & Arts (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The best thing I could find right now is this five-part essay (in Russian) with lots of pictures: 1903-1940, 1941-1950, 1951-1956, 1957-1959, 1960s.
posted by ringu0 at 9:44 AM on January 2, 2020

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