Apocalypse Now Spoof
March 7, 2006 8:11 AM   Subscribe

Years ago on Saturday Night Live they ran a short film (clay-mation, perhaps?) that was a hilarious little spoof of Apocalypse Now. It that out on the Web anywhere? Anyone have info on its title, creator, etc?
posted by nancoix to Media & Arts (5 answers total)
Best answer: From Wikipedia:

Claymation cartoonist Corky Quakenbush produced "A Pack of Gifts Now", which is part of his Rudolph Trilogy (the other two being "Raging Rudolph" and "The Reinfather.") The short is set in Saskatchewan, with Rudolph in the Willard role and Santa Claus in the Kurtz role. Rudolph's mission is to "terminate the Kringle (Santa) with extreme prejudice." This short would air on the Christmas edition of MadTV in 1999.
posted by TonyRobots at 8:15 AM on March 7, 2006

Yup, it was on MadTV, not SNL.
posted by furtive at 8:24 AM on March 7, 2006

Best answer: Here's a Youtube video of Raging Rudolph. I'm still searching for the other ones.
posted by furtive at 8:30 AM on March 7, 2006

Response by poster: Thanks! Man, I love this Green Screen Machine.
posted by nancoix at 9:34 AM on March 7, 2006

Yowza! So glad people are still enjoying my little bits of demented nonsense! They were written by Spencer Green and Mary Williams (Raging Rudolph and The Reinfather), and Patton Oswalt and myself (A Pack of Gifts Now) by the way... if you want the whole set, I have them on my promotional DVD...
posted by corkyq at 7:28 PM on November 27, 2006

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