Best way to watch speeches by Dem candidates for president
March 25, 2019 10:40 AM   Subscribe

I prefer to hear fewer clips on news programs and more full speeches or segments of speeches, full interviews, etc.

When I search candidates names on youtube, for instance, there is a lot of nonsense that turns up. Lots of pundits talking about 1 sentence out of a whole speech. I'm interested in policy as well as getting that excited feeling of candidates speaking passionately about something I also care about.

What I don't want is to hear endless clips of the same "gaffe" (such as Hillary Clinton talking about coal miners) and hearing the candidates' words repeated and misrepresented a bunch of times.
posted by Emmy Rae to Law & Government (4 answers total)
How about their own websites?
posted by JimN2TAW at 11:27 AM on March 25, 2019

Pod Save America has had quite a few candidates on for interviews, they should be on their YouTube or on their podcast feed. Politics and Prose has also had quite a few of the candidates for a talk about their recent books which are worth a listen. Neither podcast gives super critical or hard-hitting interviews, but they are long and give the candidates plenty of room to talk about their backgrounds and general beliefs.
posted by little king trashmouth at 11:52 AM on March 25, 2019
posted by matkline at 1:19 PM on March 25, 2019

FiveThirtyEight has a weekly round-up called What The Potential 2020 Candidates Are Doing And Saying. It doesn't embed videos, but often links to them (or transcripts). Even when it doesn't, it's still a handy reference that makes it easier to search for the latest speeches, interviews, events, etc. for even lesser-known candidates (and even potential candidates).
posted by Rhaomi at 1:54 PM on March 25, 2019

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