Shopping help needed!
January 26, 2019 10:01 AM   Subscribe

I lost my favorite cloth eyeglasses case, and can't seem to find a suitable replacement. Excellent shoppers and googlers of MetaFilter, please help!

I purchased it at a gallery or gift shop in some place we've visited in the United States, most likely east of the Mississippi. It was definitely handmade, from a line similar to Maruca or even Vera Bradley, in terms of using distinctive prints, offering a full line of handbags and accessories, and placement in a gift shop, gallery, or boutique.

What I liked best about it was that the fabric was stiffened (like with fusible interfacting), it was a trapezoidal pouch shape with a zipper along the top edge, and there was a pulltab on the zipper fashioned from a long strip of leather.
posted by DrGail to Shopping (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Is this the style you're looking for? Lots of cute fabrics glasses cases on etsy, and sellers who will customize for you if the strap or something isn't quite right.
posted by dorey_oh at 10:50 PM on January 27, 2019

Response by poster: The case I lost had the zipper along a long edge (at the top of the trapezoid), more like a tiny purse.
posted by DrGail at 6:22 AM on January 28, 2019

Best answer: Is this more the shape you're after? Here's one in a floral print.
posted by dorey_oh at 9:43 AM on January 28, 2019 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Yes, that's it! dorey_oh, you rock. Thank you so much.
posted by DrGail at 11:00 AM on January 28, 2019

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