Which laptop power supply is the more recent one?
December 13, 2018 11:19 AM   Subscribe

I've mixed up two power cords for my laptop and I need to know which one is the more recently purchased one. I have two Acer laptops. One was bought in Canada (don't know anything more than that) about ten years ago. The other was bought in 2016 from Amazon.

The Canadian laptop (Aspire 5551-2298) was plugged in for a year without anyone using it before I acquired it. It worked fine until it started to overheat. I replaced it with a new Acer (Aspire E15) in late 2016 which I travel with so I want to avoid any issues with an aging power supply. Here are labeled photos of the units.

The photo marked A is branded "Acer" and has a date code 1605 which I am hoping means May 2016 but who knows. Photo B is branded "Delta Electronics" and looks slightly more scuffed but not like ten years worth of scuff. They each have a ADT number sticker on the side so if there is some chronological logic to whatever that is, it would help.
posted by TWinbrook8 to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
The output voltage is the same so assuming the plug is the same either one should work.

The one marked Delta looks like an after-market charger so I would think that's the one that came with the older laptop. If you bought an Acer from Amazon it would most likely come with an Acer branded charger.
posted by bondcliff at 11:25 AM on December 13, 2018

Best answer: I think the Acer is the most recent. Main reasons:

1. The date code is very likely as you think: YYMM. I did a Google Image search of "acer power supply date code" and you'll see all of the date codes have beginning two digits of 14 through 18, and ending two digits of 01 through 12.

2. On the Acer, in the upper-left of its sticker there are several Chinese characters, then immediately below a line that reads "GB4943.1-2011". That is a Chinese IT product standard that was introduced in 2012. No product made before 2011/2012 would have that spec listed.
posted by Mister Fabulous at 12:00 PM on December 13, 2018 [3 favorites]

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