International version of "Readeo"
November 28, 2018 8:36 PM   Subscribe

I live in one country and my parents live another. Neither of these is the US. My mother wants to sign up for the "Readeo" service so she can read a story to my daughter over a video chat, where half the screen is the book in question and half the person. It seems, however, to be a US-only service. Are there any international versions?

Of course she could just buy/borrow library books and hold it up to the camera while reading it over FaceTime, but her preference is for a similar service to "readeo".
posted by modernnomad to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Check out Caribu, Kindoma, A Story before bed.
posted by suedehead at 8:46 PM on November 28, 2018

Some people use Skype for this. One grandma reads almost every night to her grandkids even if they are off screen. She can hear them moving around and knows they can hear her.
posted by Enid Lareg at 7:45 AM on November 29, 2018

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