Name change: middle edition
November 26, 2018 6:53 PM   Subscribe

I need to change/clarify my middle name on Important Documents and I want to do it correctly and not fuck up my life.

Ok: so, when I was a teenager in the 1980s I applied for and got my first (US) passport. In it, my middle name was misspelled by one letter - an extra letter. We asked about it at the time but due to travel time constraints and general bureaucratic stupidity the error was never fixed. I heard a lot of "oh it doesn't matter, it's a middle name" type hand-waveyness and for the most part it never practically mattered. FWIW, my name is nothing out of the ordinary in any way - it's a pretty boring name for a guy in the US.

Fast forward to now when I am a pretty normal middle-aged guy. In the mean time, my driver's license now has misspelled middle name on it, since I used my passport for my primary ID to get a DL when I moved to a different state. My work ID has my misspelled middle name on it because they used my passport as a primary ID when I got this job. And oh shit, my TSA PreCheck has my misspelled middle name. I have started, for example, having to type out my misspelled middle name on airline tickets, as they require it to match.

But, I recently found my original birth certificate, which has it spelled correctly (part of the hand-waveyness was my parents always "thought" my middle name was not on my birth certificate, but it is.) My Social Security card and account only have my middle initial.

And so on. I soon have to apply for and get a "RealID" form the state of California to replace my DL, and I am adamant that I fix this once and for all. There is also looming international application stuff that I would like to get this fixed before I start on.

My question(s) is(are): where do I start? Do I do this myself? Do I need a lawyer to walk me through this? Can I just submit an error fix form to the State Dept. and get a new/fixed passport and then work one by one thorough the changes as I need to? Do I need to go to court to show the judge that I am really Firstname Middlename Lastname instead of Firstname Miiddlename Lastname?

I do have legal insurance through my job, though I have no idea how useful it really is. It does list "name change" as one covered benefit, though I imagine that is in the context of a wedding, not a bumbling procrastinator with a wonky middle name.

My biggest (immediate) fear here honestly is losing my TSA precheck and/or being put on some travel watchlist because I change my name.

I am tired of being intentionally vague and saying "oh everyone misspells it" when asked about this stupid error. Hope me, MeFi - I know you aren't my lawyer -
posted by anonymous to Law & Government (2 answers total)
I recently fixed my misspelled middle name on my passport. They misunderstood the form at first and thought I had *changed* my name. I wrote them a letter in response explaining and they fixed it with no further argument. They didn't ask to see my birth certificate, which (like you) was my only proof of my correctly spelled name, I think because the difference was so slight. I think you will be fine if you proceed this way.
posted by branca at 8:35 PM on November 26, 2018

My biggest (immediate) fear here honestly is losing my TSA precheck and/or being put on some travel watchlist because I change my name.
I don't think that is likely to happen. Thousands of people get married and divorced every year and they don't end up on watchlists. I would start with the Social Security Office and ask them to give you a card with your full and correct middle name on it. Go in person, give them your birth certificate, ask them to verify the spelling of your middle name in their database and correct it if necessary. They once had my birthdate listed incorrectly. I went to an office, showed them my birth certificate and they said they would verify it (with my state) and correct their records. it took time but it was not a hassle.

Now you have a SS card and birth certificate with your correct middle name on it. Go to the DMV and ask them if you can apply for a Real ID and get the middle name corrected. You will need your passport and birth certificate, so you can point out the difference and ask how to make sure the correct spelling is used on your ID. I'm sure they have processes to handle misspellings. Just keep being firm and polite that this is a typo and you would like it fixed.

I'd do your ID before the passport unless you have an international trip coming up. Once you have your new RealID in hand, then I'd submit the info for fixing your passport. This is so you can at least fly with your ID, even it means no precheck. Once your Passport is updated, send the new info to the TSA so they can update your file.
posted by soelo at 10:05 AM on November 27, 2018

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