How to New Year’s Eve in Memphis
November 3, 2018 11:29 AM   Subscribe

Ms. Matter and I are considering Memphis for New Year’s Eve. This thread has good recommendations for midsummer. What end-of-year recommendations do you have for events, restaurants, concerts, surprises?
posted by conscious matter to Travel & Transportation around Memphis, TN (1 answer total)
The AutoZone Liberty Bowl is at 2:45 in Midtown on New Year's Eve. They usually either sell out (61,008) or come close; it's mid-level schools from the SEC and Big XII. There are shuttles from downtown and from the University of Memphis.

Beale Street has New Year's festivities, but it can get super super crowded (as in difficult to move around because of the mass of people), and it's tough to get in or out because all the taxis get booked, or just pick up somebody else instead. Could be a little easier with ridesharing nowadays. You should probably start looking for a hotel room downtown soon. The good news is that Beale Street is a fairly small area, but there's plenty of other places you can go downtown. The Peabody hotel has a New Year's party, but I've never been.
posted by Huffy Puffy at 3:30 PM on November 3, 2018

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