Power assist wheelbarrows
July 16, 2018 8:12 AM   Subscribe

Can you recommend a power assist wheelbarrow or cart?

Our yard is partially on a steep hill. It's not big enough to warrant a compact tractor or similar, but big enough that hauling things by wheelbarrow to the top of the hill is unpleasant. Can you recommend a reasonably priced power assist earth moving device? Carts, wheelbarrows, conversion kits - whatever has worked for you.

Price range: Keeping it below $1000 would be nice, but I know that sometimes you get what you pay for.
Power: Electric would be preferable.

If you don't have direct experience with this sort of thing, it's totally OK to move on to the next question.
posted by zamboni to Home & Garden (2 answers total)
Price range may be a non-starter but I've looked into these before and, short of getting something from Germany or India (if I recall correctly), these looked like the best game in town for something for a smaller farm's needs. May also be overkill for what you're asking for but if you're looking for a BIFL type purchase then maybe it fits.





posted by RolandOfEld at 11:57 AM on July 16, 2018

I've only used the trail building ones which are likely outside your price range and are all gas but I'd say two things
1. You can buy them used a lot
2. Get one with a minimum of 2 wheels, ideally 3 or 4 wheels. The ones with a single wheel are 100% useless as they are impossible to control, steer and brake while balancing. The ones with two wheels are better but still nowhere near as good as the larger ones on rough or steep terrain or when dumping stuff. While the two wheels are fairly stable you still need to manually lift the end to move while also operating some kind of motorcycle like hand throttle and brake. And God speed of you're left handed because they don't come in that.
posted by fshgrl at 3:27 PM on July 16, 2018

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