Trouble creating an account on Daily Intelligencer (New York Magazine)
July 3, 2018 10:55 AM   Subscribe

Any people here who have successfully created an online account (for commenting) on New York Magazine's Daily Intelligencer? I'm finding it impossible, and yet there are plenty of other members/commenters there, so there must be something I'm missing?

I don't want to "sign up with a social account" (Facebook). Instead, I choose the option to create an account. I fill out all the fields, hit "REGISTER", and nothing* happens, no matter how many times I hit REGISTER or change what I enter in the fields (various usernames and email addresses).

* The one thing that does happen is that the border around the username field changes from gray to red. You'd think this means that the username I chose is already taken, except that the same thing happens for weirdo usernames that can't possibly be taken.

I've tried different browsers (Edge, Chrome, Safari) with the same result.
posted by Mechitar to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
You are right. It is broken. For anybody else who wants to try, go to a story like this one, hit the yellow comment button on left, Sign in to Comment, try setting up an account in the pop-up. Nothing happens when you hit Register.
posted by beagle at 11:42 AM on July 3, 2018

Wow. That's broken on several levels, as a web accessibility person I can't figure out how I'm supposed to use it from the keyboard, not to mention the form just doesn't work. Well done.
posted by Alensin at 12:52 PM on July 3, 2018

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