fly-by video search
January 29, 2006 3:11 PM   Subscribe

Can anyone point me to hi resolution fly-by videos in quicktime? I'm looking for nature-scenery-lanscape flying, but google is not being responsive.
posted by icetaco to Media & Arts (10 answers total)
By "hi resolution" videos, do you mean full rez DV clips or something like that?
posted by brundlefly at 3:50 PM on January 29, 2006

Response by poster: No, just something larger than the 200x300px one usually encounters; my goal is to display them fullscreen.
posted by icetaco at 4:16 PM on January 29, 2006

It's not Quicktime (instead, MPEG 1/2/4, DivX) but there's

Koyaanisqatsi, Powaqqatsi, and Naqoyqatsi on DVD presumably have some good footage (I've only seen the first)
posted by holloway at 4:27 PM on January 29, 2006

I second holloway on
posted by brundlefly at 4:34 PM on January 29, 2006

Also, is paying an option? There are numerous stock footage sites out there. Are you doing this for fun or as a commercial project (or something else)?
posted by brundlefly at 4:36 PM on January 29, 2006

Im not gona do the work for you but try googling for hi res movie trailers, theres bound to be some fly bys.
posted by pwally at 7:26 PM on January 29, 2006

Response by poster: Paying is an option (free is preferable); I just love those Imax films where you fly over landscapes and would dig having some fullscreen on my laptop is all.
posted by icetaco at 9:41 PM on January 29, 2006

Response by poster: Perhaps there's another term for this type of video? I am suprised at how little I'm finding - I would buy a DVD of this type of footage if I could locate it. Thanks everybody.
posted by icetaco at 10:00 PM on January 29, 2006

Besides simply googling generic stock footage sites (I would be surprised if they didn't have what you're looking for), you might try rolling your own using Terragen. Hey, it's free.
posted by brundlefly at 10:57 PM on January 29, 2006

Response by poster: Wow - Terragen is easier than Bryce! Thanks, brundlefly.
posted by icetaco at 10:08 PM on January 31, 2006

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