Owl crochet all the mittens
December 12, 2017 9:29 PM   Subscribe

I've gotten pretty good at crocheting owl mittens. What are some other animal patterns in the same style I can make?

I've crocheted several sets of these. I really like that the design is a variation on a cable stitch, worked into the pattern as it goes. Where can I find similar patterns for other animals? This bunny is done in the same style, but knit. At this point I'm only looking for crochet patterns. I prefer the design to be part of the pattern, not an applique that's sewn on after. Thanks!
posted by dorey_oh to Grab Bag (5 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
I don't crochet so I can't link you to any specific patterns, but Ravelry is an amazing resource. Here is a link to their advanced pattern search, where you can narrow down by crochet techniques or design elements!
posted by photoelectric at 10:53 PM on December 12, 2017

I would start with this Ravelry search. (You can change the "animal" keyword to name specific animals and find patterns this search misses.) Also, the cables in Sólás Caomh are really, really fun and I would recommend at least doing an afghan square in that pattern even if you don't need or want to make a blanket.
posted by asperity at 10:55 PM on December 12, 2017

Best answer: Sort of an inside out answer - the person who designed those owl mittens has patterns for a bunch of other coordinating owl cable items, like a baby sweater and a headband and all sorts of things. So, not a different animal but a different application for that motif. Possibly a fantastic way to get comfortable with other kinds of crochet projects and garment construction, since you're already comfortable with the tricky part.

I love crochet cables, but there aren't many that have representative motifs - mostly they're abstract.

For other fingerless mittens with interesting cables you might find inspiration in the creative designs of Tanja Osswald.

I love the cable designs by Noelle Stiles and find they often are much more thought through than other crochet cables I've tried. They come off as fairly traditional until someone notices they're not knit, and they are wonderfully substantial.

Interweave Crochet's fall edition was all about cables and had some good information. Here's the Ravelry page for all the projects in it, but if you're interested I suggest getting a copy of the magazine in whole.

If you're just looking for some patterns that make fine gifts and are a bit whimsical I've always had very good results with the hat patterns by Justine Walley.
posted by Mizu at 11:58 PM on December 12, 2017 [1 favorite]

How about Crocodile Stitch? It's not exactly the same as your examples, because it is not a variant of a cable. It can look like feathers (more owls?). It's also good for scales on fish or, surprise!, crocodiles.
posted by SandiBeech at 6:51 AM on December 13, 2017

Response by poster: Some great suggestions, thanks to all of you!
posted by dorey_oh at 8:58 PM on February 16, 2018

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