Can I get a gate pass at Boston Logan?
November 27, 2017 7:44 AM   Subscribe

My wife is flying with our twin sons to Seattle (God bless her) on Wednesday. I'd like to accompany her to the gate to help with luggage, car seats, etc. They're flying JetBlue. When I worked for the airlines (post-9/11) this wasn't an issue and I'm wondering if this is still true.
posted by eggman to Travel & Transportation around Boston, MA (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I'd call JetBlue and ask, but I've done this at several other airports in the last few years and it hasn't been an issue.
posted by lunasol at 8:02 AM on November 27, 2017

Previously, in 2014.
In reviewing the JetBlue policies, it seems like they're relatively liberal with gate passes in theory - allowed for people with assistance animals, etc. I don't see anything about small children specifically. They ultimately defer to the airport.
As an added courtesy, you may request a gate pass for a family member or friend to escort you to the gate and from the gate in your arrival city. You may request this at the ticket counter. The airport has the final approval of this request based on the current security level. Be sure the person requesting the gate pass has valid government-issued photo identification.
posted by quadrilaterals at 8:04 AM on November 27, 2017 [1 favorite]

Gate pass is the magic word, and it's better to request it in advance - I've had mixed results at the ticket counter. You'll go through security like a ticketed passenger.
posted by ersatzkat at 8:44 AM on November 27, 2017

A few years ago, some normally-distant family members were passing through my city's airport, making a flight connection. They were going to be on the ground for like 1-2 hours, so not long enough to come OUT through security (and they are flaky so I wasn't about to rely on them doing this). So I met them at the gate by buying a refundable ticket that was going somewhere (anywhere) later that day out of the same airport. I met them, and then as I left them, literally still in the airport but walking out, I called the airline to cancel my "travel" and get my refund. Crucially, I cancelled before the flight was even close to departing. It was a little nervewracking because I was risking $700, but the refund went through without an issue.

Obviously a gate pass is easier, but it's a fallback option if you can't get that.
posted by intermod at 11:25 AM on November 27, 2017 [4 favorites]

My children are 4&6 and I usually fly by myself with them once or twice a year. I haven't asked for gate pass this year, b/c we're pretty self sufficient at this point, but in previous years I've asked for it, and mostly have gotten them. Whether they are available seems dependent on both the airline and airport policies. A tix agent once told me there was a daily limit they were allowed to give out (i don't know if that was true or just an excuse to not give me one), but it probably helps to ask early in the day if possible.
posted by littlerockgetaway at 11:56 AM on November 27, 2017

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