Need specific recommendations for cleaning service in Los Angeles
October 1, 2017 4:30 AM   Subscribe

I need specific recommendations (i.e., email or web form preferable but phone numbers if necessary) for honest, trustworthy, nonjudgmental help cleaning and organizing a small house in Los Angeles. Not a hoarding situation, no health hazards, just... lots and lots of cleaning and organizing needed. Snowflakes inside.

Totally outwardly functional people requiring a cleaning service that will absolutely not judge them for the state of their home (which is objectively not as bad as they feel like it is, but it's bad enough that they are rightfully embarrassed when people come to the door, and won't often have friends or family over because the task of cleaning is so monumental compared to the amount of time they have in their very busy lives).

Minor mental health issues are involved, but this is absolutely not a hoarding situation... more like varying levels of depression and ADHD combined with high-demand/high-stress jobs. I've discussed this with them, and they would love for someone to come in, ask ZERO questions, and just... clean. And put things wherever they think they belong. If they think certain things belong in the trash, that is absolutely fine. This is not a hoarding issue. This is just an overwhelmed family that has been through a lot in the past few years and has somewhat neglected housecleaning and organizational anything in favor of sanity and self-care (but it's to the point where some serious cleaning is needed for sanity and self-care).

I want to stress this is not a hoarding situation, and there is nothing "hazmat" about this. Dishes are always done, trash and recycling is taken out every week, sinks and bathroom are cleaned regularly, clothes and pets and people are always clean and well-cared-for and well-fed.

Things that may be encountered: Piles of clothing. Cobwebs in ceiling corners. Dust and dirt. Floors that have not been swept or mopped well in way, way too long. Massive amounts of clutter. Disconnected cords and cables that are in piles and tangles that need to be sorted and separated. Rugs that need vacuuming and cleaning (no carpet). Fridge needs cleaning (again, normal levels of cleaning, like there might be a vegetable that got forgotten in the back of a drawer and a few tupperware containers of leftovers that should just be tossed and a few spills).

No bugs, vermin, or pet issues; nothing like that.

In an ideal world for this family, they would vacate the house for a day and come home to everything clean and somewhat organized, even if organized means "stuff put in boxes with other stuff like it, to sort through later, I don't care where anything went, I'll find it, if it wound up in the trash then oh well." In their perfect world, they'd interact with the people doing the cleaning/organizing as little as possible.

They are super embarrassed about this whole thing and I'd really like to help them.

Is there anyone or any service in Los Angeles that has a service like this?
posted by anonymous to Home & Garden (3 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
No specific recommendations but it may help to get them over the no interaction hurdle. No cleaner I've ever encountered would throw things away, they may get a box with potential trash at best. 2nd, they should consider making this a monthly or at least quarterly thing, because maintenance. I mean any time they do a load of laundry they end up with a new pile of stuff. That's one of the reasons I have a cleaner come in every fortnight, it forces me to deal with some of the crap I let pile up and it turns the ironing pile into clothes I can wear!
posted by koahiatamadl at 5:52 AM on October 1, 2017

Um I'm not proud of it but this sounds like my general level of cleanliness (maybe even a little worse, since I sometimes have unwashed dishes and I have a high-shed cat), and trust me, cleaners have seen a LOT worse. I'm not saying this to diminish the way they feel, just saying that if they're worried about judgment this might help relieve some of their anxiety. I get how they feel--I'm also ashamed about my general lack of organization and I wish I could invite friends over. It makes me sad and feeling like I failed at some aspect of adult-ing....but life happens, and this happens for whatever reason...and it's ok. Sometimes we all need a helping hand here.

To that end I can recommend the cleaner I use:

When I have them come I ask for a deep clean and usually they take care of dishes if there are any in the sink, clean inside of the sink/oven, etc, even make my clothes if there is a pile of it lying around (they did this unprompted), and they have made my bed if the sheets are not already on there. The service sends out different teams but if you like one you can request them again. I know there's a lot of shame regarding this but I want to reassure you they've seen much worse (just with my place, even) and they do not judge, because it would be really helpful for them for you to be there at least the first time to specify what exactly you want done. On occasion the cleaners have thrown away stuff that I wasn't ready to toss, but if I tell them "oh just put the paper clutter in this box" I can sift through it later. I've generally been very happy with them.

I look forward to and am working toward the day when I won't need cleaners' help that much, but life gets hard and life gets busy. if one can afford a cleaner I feel like it's a great option, because everyone needs help sometime. Tip well and good luck!
posted by sprezzy at 6:42 AM on October 1, 2017 [2 favorites]

I think getting empty boxes ready for things to be sorted into is fine.

I agree with everything sprezzy wrote. Google says the direct number of my old contact changed, but I'll keep an eye out for their company's truck to get you the number of a service I used to like. I can't remember the name, but see them all the time. I'll post back here if I remember it.
posted by jbenben at 8:40 AM on October 1, 2017

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