Smart Lock with Keypad
June 25, 2017 7:54 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for a smart lock with keypad to install in my home with a few must-haves.

I'm looking for a smart lock with keypad to install in my home. It should have the following functionality (preferrably without the use of a smart home hub):

1) Ability to add/remove codes remotely through an app or web interface.
2) Ability to have my phone (Android) notified when someone uses their code.
3) On/off toggle for codes, or a timer when certain codes are valid.
4) User friendly - I'm not super computer savvy, but I have a friend who can set everything up for me - but the ability to add/remove codes should be pretty simple.
5) Available in Canada

This is mostly for my kids - so I know when they're home, etc.

I've read The Wirecutter's "Best Smart Lock" roundup - The Kevo Smart Lock looks like it does most of what I want, but has no keypad. The Schlage looks like it would work if I had a smart home hub of some sort - but I'm not sure I want the extra expense, as nothing else is currently "smart". I'll definitely do it if it's not much more money. But then an add on question becomes SmartThings vs Wink, who wins? Those seem to be the two hubs I see mentioned the most.

The August lock seems okay, but the feedback in that article on the keypad makes me think it's not super great.
posted by backwards guitar to Shopping (6 answers total)
I recommend not going this route; I've worked in IT for long enough to be completely unsurprised at the shitty state of IT security in consumer goods in general and smart locks in particular.

I don't think they're ready for prime time.

I don't think they'll be ready for prime time until you can no longer buy a lock whose marketing materials describe it as "smart", because "smart" is essentially IT industry jargon for "broken in the stupidest and most annoying ways imaginable".
posted by flabdablet at 8:33 AM on June 25, 2017 [4 favorites]

Watch this.
posted by flabdablet at 8:50 AM on June 25, 2017

Response by poster: Fladbalet - I am really really not overly concerned about that. The house has many windows that could be smashed and the house could then be entered. I think this is far more likely than the door lock being hacked.
posted by backwards guitar at 6:52 PM on June 25, 2017

I have the Schlage Connect and really like it for my purposes, but even with a smart hub (at least the one I have), you can't add/remove codes remotely or make them time-sensitive.
posted by karbonokapi at 9:08 PM on June 25, 2017 [1 favorite]

Make sure to evaluate everything before you purchase anything. I have heard about wireshark easily cracking into any BLE operated device. When you say remotely add or remove lock codes, what mechanism are you looking into?
posted by iamagile at 5:27 AM on June 30, 2017

Response by poster: I ended up going with a Schlage Connect and a SmartThings Hub. It's working as I'd hoped, and hopefully I'll add more items to the hub over time.

Thanks for your responses.
posted by backwards guitar at 4:19 AM on July 11, 2017

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