I want to buy a sofa.
April 14, 2017 6:23 PM   Subscribe

Because of my allergies, the beau and I bought a leather sofa four years ago. Unfortunately, we didn't know any better, and we mistakenly bought a bonded leather sofa. Now, it's shredding, peeling, and generally looks hideous. We are not hard on our furniture, accidentally buying a crappy leather sofa has made us both sad.

This time, we'd like to buy a better sofa! But help? We have about $2000 to spend, which I know won't get us a fabulous heirloom leather sofa, but I'm hoping it will get us one that might last 10 or 15 years. (If I am horribly mistaken about this, please educate me.)

So, help me figure out what kind of sofa we need to buy! I am not committed to leather exactly, but I am allergic to dust, dander, and lots of things, so we bought leather per my allergist's recommendations. I am open to other materials if they are easy to keep allergy-free.
posted by PearlRose to Shopping (3 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
In general, less expensive leather is more durable than the fancypants stuff, so just walk right on past the sofas with leather that feels like butter.
posted by DrGail at 7:42 PM on April 14, 2017

I have a decade-old Lind leather sofa that is in near perfect shape, other than needing the foam replaced in the most-frequently-sat-upon cushion. I have sat on it every day for ten years, and my dog has jumped up onto it with her doggy toenails.

I went with the least expensive leather option, which was also billed as "most durable, for people with kids and pets". (As DrGail notes, the more expensive ones are frequently less durable.) I looked up the one I have and it retails for about $1600 these days.
posted by Blue Jello Elf at 8:09 PM on April 14, 2017 [1 favorite]

I had the same problem. I bought a couple expensive mistakes over the years -- bonded leather that started to peel and flake.

I always chose real leather or fake leather because fabric is not going to work in my household wear I spill tea and coffee and I have kids and a dog.

I did some serious research after some regretful purchases and chose the Ektorp from Ikea. I read the blogs and reviews and found out that the Ektorp line lasts and is comfortable -- and most importantly you can wash the covers in the washing machine. I chose a gray cover so I wouldn't have to wash as often. The covers do not look like sloppy slipcovers and you can buy additional covers in other colors. I have the four corner sectional and ottoman and I love it. My husband and I are average to tall and we were afraid that the seat depth and height would be lacking. That is not a problem. It is a very comfortable sofa and where we do a lot of lounging and TV viewing. Ikea has other sofas with washable covers like the Norsborg.
posted by loveandhappiness at 7:16 AM on April 15, 2017

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