CoatFilter. What Men's coat is this?
March 6, 2017 4:56 AM   Subscribe

What Men's coat is this?

I saw this men's coat and liked it. Should have asked the guy which brand it is but did not.


* Made out of grey wool
* Huge black "cuffs" and "collar" made out of black wool
* Had some strange slits on the elbows that seemed to allow more movement or something
* Looked very high quality and expensive

Any idea?
posted by yoyo_nyc to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (4 answers total)
This one is not the same but looks similar.
posted by impishoptimist at 7:23 AM on March 6, 2017

Response by poster: Thx. Quite different. Also, based on the quality I assumed the one I posted could have cost easily 4 figs.
posted by yoyo_nyc at 7:47 AM on March 6, 2017

Can't pinpoint the brand, but the slits and material remind me of loden. Cashmere loden looks amazing, but is furiously expensive.
posted by scruss at 10:03 AM on March 6, 2017

Best answer: I've searched and searched and can't seem to get close to this anywhere. Frustrating! If you come up empty you may want to ask over at reddit's /r/findfashion/.
posted by bologna on wry at 1:53 PM on March 6, 2017

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