What logo does this remind me of?
November 9, 2016 1:57 PM   Subscribe

This looks like a logo I've seen before but I can't pin down what it is. I think it's a tech startup or product type company: http://imgur.com/i5Ppfll
posted by disillusioned to Computers & Internet (15 answers total)
Response by poster: Whoops, should've linked it:

posted by disillusioned at 1:57 PM on November 9, 2016

Most immediate thing that springs to mind is the Cisco logo.
posted by EndsOfInvention at 2:04 PM on November 9, 2016 [6 favorites]

Is it the old Ericsson logo?


That's what I immediately thought of.
posted by Brockles at 2:05 PM on November 9, 2016 [2 favorites]

Cisco, for sure.
posted by kevinbelt at 2:09 PM on November 9, 2016 [1 favorite]

Emerson Electric
posted by Confess, Fletch at 2:11 PM on November 9, 2016

Looks the offspring of Ericsson's and RTPs logo.

It's a very common theme.
posted by lmfsilva at 2:20 PM on November 9, 2016

Warner Communications?
posted by stovenator at 2:27 PM on November 9, 2016 [1 favorite]

posted by Borborygmus at 2:44 PM on November 9, 2016

It made me think of Mutual Mobile's logo.
posted by runningwithscissors at 3:13 PM on November 9, 2016

It gives me a very RSSy vibe, which pulls in a whole slew of logos: Feedly, Google Reader, Spotify.

Squarespace is similar. Sun.

The varying length of the lines and the two short ones on the sides (that imply microphones) lead me to assume that it's something audio based, but it also kind of looks like a space invader.

This is the picture that made me laugh and give up this quest.
posted by sparklemotion at 3:18 PM on November 9, 2016 [2 favorites]

I can't find anything, but I do notice that there are two shades of blue, which could represent two nodes broadcasting to each other. So my guess would be some sort of comm tech. Where'd you find it?
posted by aubilenon at 4:32 PM on November 9, 2016

2nding Sun Microsystems
posted by charlemangy at 9:16 PM on November 9, 2016

Through random reverse image searches on google I found a similar image (though there is only one line in the middle of the logo, not 2): it's from a music promotional channel on youtube called lacuna
posted by littlesq at 9:31 PM on November 9, 2016 [1 favorite]

OH I found another one: the logo is used for a product called Music Maker JAM on Google Play
posted by littlesq at 9:51 PM on November 9, 2016 [1 favorite]

Reminds me of Intercom
posted by Sharcho at 3:57 PM on November 10, 2016

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