Any experience with AlphaSights?
June 2, 2016 9:15 AM   Subscribe

A friend has been approached by AlphaSights, who seem to be some sort of a "connect SMEs to companies seeking new markets and earn cash!" organization. There's not much out there about them that's not news linked to the company itself. Has anyone had any interaction (that they can talk about) with AlphaSights that would be useful for my friend?
posted by A Friend of Dug [sock] to Work & Money (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Depends on what your friend would like to know - and when. I'm actually meeting someone from AlphaSights next week (Mon and/or Wed), rather informally, and would be able to ask them some questions.
posted by Guelder at 10:08 AM on June 2, 2016

I've used them a number of times.

It's simple - AlphaSights has the relationships with the outside companies and AlphaSights arranges a convenient time for you to consult verbally with the outside company via phone. I've had conversations with everyone from Fortune 10 companies to all the big accounting and consulting firms, down to some smaller companies looking for insight.

When you're done with your consulting with the outside company, you get an email from AlphaSights and they send you a check for your time.

Only struggle I had was figuring out how much I was worth per hour for my consulting. And sometimes the request for a consultation comes with just a day's notice so there may be some calendar juggling on your end.

BTW - have your friend check their employee handbook for where they currently work. It may expressly forbid your friend from taking on these types of consultative gigs.
posted by lstanley at 2:28 PM on June 2, 2016

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