Comic Book Cataloging
April 7, 2016 5:33 AM   Subscribe

I am looking for an Android app that will allow me to scan my recently purchased comic books into a personal database.

I have a problem. I keep a pull list at the local comic book store, but they aren't the best at filling it. Living in Mississippi, I don't have many comic options if I want to support local stores. These guys are great, but there are times where I miss issues and don't realize it until later (missed out on Vader #12 and was very confused). I could go weekly and keep a spread sheet or list of some sort, but that is too time consuming. Compounding the issue is that my backlog keeps growing. For instance, yesterday I purchased Descender #11 thinking I had missed out on it, when I actually had it in my "to read" stack. So my goal is to minimize these double purchases, help me fill in the missed issues and also to help me keep track of what books I have and where they are.

I am mainly looking for an app that has a barcode scanner to make this easy. I have played around with Libib and just downloaded CLZ comics after doing an extensive google search, but I was wondering if there were better options out there. Libib seems to be catered more towards books. I was able to Scan "Howard the Duck #5", but nothing else from yesterdays purchases.

Thanks for any help or ideas!
posted by GreatValhalla to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
The only thing I can think of is Delicious Library, which is a mac desktop program, paired with an android app designed to interact with it.
posted by Major Matt Mason Dixon at 5:38 AM on April 7, 2016

I use Comic Geeks to keep track of my pull list and single issues. The iOS app has a barcode scanner -- I don't see it listed on the android version but I might be missing it.
posted by wsquared at 8:32 AM on April 7, 2016

I tried keeping track of comics with bar code scanners but found that a lot of the time different issues of a comic would all scan as the same thing, and ended up giving up. I also have pretty much given up on floppies.

posted by egypturnash at 9:53 AM on April 7, 2016

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