Tickets for Superman v. Batman in 4DX in NYC?
March 13, 2016 10:53 AM   Subscribe

How (or when) can I buy tickets to a 4DX screening of Batman v. Superman in NYC?

So this week it was news that NYC's Regal Union Square cinemas will debut a new 4DX-capable theatre with showings of Batman v. Superman starting on March 25.

I like gimmicky cinema stuff, and Batman and Superman, and I'm gonna be a tourist in NYC at the appropriate time so yay! Except tickets don't seem to be for sale and I'm worried that I'm missing something.

Presumably the tickets haven't gone on sale yet, the first showings are a few weeks out. But Fandango and the Regal website do have tickets listed for other showings on March 25 and beyond at Union Square, and I'm not a regular user of these websites as I am from Canada so I turn to the hive for reassurance and guidance:

Do you have any idea when and where my best bet will be for grabbing some tickets online? Are there any services that would give me an alert? Does Regal typically update it's ticketing system with new showings on a particular schedule?

Thanks in advance for any insight!
posted by chudmonkey to Shopping (2 answers total)
Have you tried just contacting the theater directly? A phone call even, just to ask when and how tickets will be on sale.
posted by easily confused at 11:59 AM on March 13, 2016 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Yes! The theatre doesn't seem keen on returning my call.
posted by chudmonkey at 12:15 PM on March 13, 2016

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