Nexus 6 cracked screen
December 4, 2015 1:22 PM   Subscribe

I dropped my Nexus 6 phone today, and the screen, which was slightly cracked in places, got worse at the corner I dropped it on. The cracks don't bother me cosmetically, but as I examined it a small square (like a mm or 2) fell out of the screen, allowing me to actually see into the phone. It's on a part of the phone I rarely touch, and off the actual LCD. How can I remedy this?

To get more specific, if you're looking at my phone (take this for example), the loose piece is at the far top left corner, above the LCD screen to the left of the speaker, but close enough to the speaker that most screen covers don't look like they'd actually cover it.

Searching online yields some suggestions, but many scratch remedies involve mixtures of water and baking soda or toothpaste, things that seem like a bad idea to apply in an area where the screen is broken clean through to the electronics.

I'm aware the most likely best answer will be either just replace it, or get a sticker or something and just put it over that corner, but I was curious if anyone had any inventive ideas. Thanks!
posted by DynamiteToast to Technology (7 answers total)
Best answer: I've used clear packing tape on a cracked phone screen. It's ugly and the seams between strips of tape are annoying, but it kept the screen from falling apart any further and cost almost nothing.
posted by exogenous at 1:38 PM on December 4, 2015 [1 favorite]

Best answer: It's not obstructing your view of the screen, right? If it doesn't bother you that much and you're not planning to replace the screen, you could maybe try filling it with a little clear-setting epoxy; I don't think that should interfere with the electronics at all, and should help prevent the cracks from spreading. If you think you might eventually want to replace the screen, though, epoxy might make that harder to do.
posted by biogeo at 1:39 PM on December 4, 2015

When bits and bobs of my first iPad's screen cracked and then fell out I used electrical tape to cover the gaps and to ensure nothing else fell out. It's not inventive and it's ugly but it works and is cheaper than replacing the screen on what is now a backup iPad.
posted by chavenet at 1:42 PM on December 4, 2015

If you decide to replace it get the glass that already has the frame attached to it. I went the DIY tape adhesive approach, and now I've got a terribly clunky case to keep the edges from lifting up.
posted by hwyengr at 2:03 PM on December 4, 2015

The clear packing tape is the right width and surprisingly effective. I re-taped a couple times before my nexus gave up the ghost. I think there are better grades of tape if you're buying so it's worth checking.
posted by sammyo at 2:17 PM on December 4, 2015

Purchase a glass screen protector and install it. Make sure to pop out all the cracked bits that aren't flush first.
posted by emptythought at 9:24 PM on December 4, 2015

Response by poster: I liked the epoxy plan and Saturday was planning on implementing it when multiple pieces fell out of the screen. So I just used tape after all. Thanks for the help!
posted by DynamiteToast at 6:39 AM on December 7, 2015

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