Recommend some reliable property investment companies in the US?
November 22, 2015 3:27 PM   Subscribe

The goal here is to invest $250k in buy to let property. Looking for a property investment company that will manage the property and also help with the search of buy to let property. Requirement: The company will help with property search Preferably have options available where rental income is predictable Manage the property Help with the analysis of the investment (price to rent ration etc) The company must specialize in US based properties. I am not aware of any such companies. Could you recommend?
posted by r2d2 to Work & Money (5 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Memail me for a personal contact who does this sort of thing. He's an appraiser and property manager as well as a real estate broker.
posted by chasles at 4:12 PM on November 22, 2015

posted by bricoleur at 4:28 PM on November 22, 2015 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: REIT's wont work since I would like to take advantage of leverage. With REIT you couldn't pay 20% down and borrow the rest.
posted by r2d2 at 6:37 PM on November 22, 2015

I have seen companies that do this that were targeting Australian investors when the AUD/USD rate was favourable after 2009 or so.
My preliminary investigations showed the 3 or 4 I looked into were pretty shonky - it looked like they might be taking kick backs from the property vendors and they had high costs for ongoing maintenance. If you really wanted, I could take a look for the info, but I can't recommend them.
BTW - are you a US resident? Buy to let is a UK term, as far as I know. If you aren't resident you may have difficulties getting a mortgage at competitive rates.
posted by bystander at 8:51 PM on November 22, 2015

Best answer: You should check out BiggerPockets - this seems like the kind of information people there would be able to give you. They have an active forum and ads/endorsements for various real estate investment companies. I feel like most of the companies I've heard of focus on a specific real estate market - not sure if you're OK with investing in just one place or if you want to be slightly more diversified.
posted by mskyle at 6:02 AM on November 23, 2015

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