Christmas Night in Kiev
November 17, 2015 10:26 AM   Subscribe

I'm going to have quite a long layover in Kiev on Christmas night. Is there anything I can do other than find a place in the airport to camp out?

So I'm flying to Berlin on Christmas, with an overnight layover in Kiev. I would love to be able to get out and explore the city a little bit. (You know, in the cold and the dark...) I'm not exactly planning on wandering through Donetsk, but is Kiev itself safe? I checked the State Department warnings, which are sort of dire but very focused on the eastern regions, and TripAdvisor seemed largely okay? (Frankly it seemed terrible, but at least it looks like people are going into and out of the area.) I'm a pretty savvy traveller, and would honestly be happy just walking through the city to see it, and then going to a hotel. I expect that exactly nothing will be open on Christmas night :)

(Obviously I'll be keeping an eye on the news, and if things go pear-shaped, I'll stick to the airport. I did see there's a very similar question from about a year ago, but with the political situation as it is, I expect things have changed.)

It looks like taxis are the best ways to get around, is this still so? I'll be travelling alone, and I'm female. My Ukrainian will be very basic, my Russian nonexistent, and for what it's worth my German is not terrible?

If anyone can recommend a hotel near the airport where I can book a room, that would be fabulous as well.
posted by kalimac to Travel & Transportation around Kiev, Ukraine (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I don't have answers to all of your questions, but some thoughts:

Kyiv right now is as safe as any other city. Eastern Ukraine, yes avoid, but Kyiv is super totally okay (as okay as other cities).

Do not, under any circumstances, stay in that airport during your layover. Their transit area for layovers is in my top 5 for depressing airport spots. There are two cafes with crummy food, a smokers lounge, and beyond that just expensive duty free shops. Think you'll be able to buy a magazine? FALSE, NO MAGAZINE/BOOK STANDS. :(

I don't know about how Ukraine handles this, but it's possible that things would be open on Christmas depending on if they celebrate orthodox Christmas (January 7) instead. Might be something to look into.

Also, if you want to meet some people, consider a private room in a hostel. It seems like a good way to be around people who might know what to do/explore.
posted by aaanastasia at 12:44 PM on November 17, 2015

Response by poster: Thank you! Good to know that Kyiv is safe (for a 'city' value of safe...), and I will definitely look into a hostel -- and not trying to sleep in the airport itself :)
posted by kalimac at 2:14 PM on November 18, 2015

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