Extreme Housecleaners Recommendations: Burlington, Ontario, Canada
November 2, 2015 10:15 AM   Subscribe

A friend is helping her elderly parents declutter, pack and move in preparation for a move to Toronto. She's mostly done with the decluttering and packing. However, the soon-to-be-former apartment hasn't been properly cleaned during the past six months. We need local recommendations!

Hello Hivemind,

You've always provided me with amazing advice - so here I am again with yet another request for your collective wisdom.

A friend is helping her elderly parents declutter, pack and move in preparation for a move to Toronto. She's mostly done with the decluttering and packing. However, the soon-to-be-former apartment hasn't been properly cleaned during the past six months. It's not disgusting, but it is dusty and dirty under and behind furniture, in closets, and so forth.

My friend is looking for a cleaner who can do a really thorough cleaning job just after her parents move so that the superintendent doesn't have to deal with with a dirty apartment. So far, everyone is recommending Molly Maid - and while they come with recommendations, my friend wants recommendations for specific cleaners (a person or a small company) that she can rely on to do a really thorough job.

Can anyone recommend a cleaner (or small company) in the Burlington/Hamilton area who can do this type of work? It's a two-bedroom apartment that's fairly spacious (about 1000 square feet). I'd say it requires 1.5-1.75 times the amount of effort that a regular maintenance cleaning would require.
posted by Schadenfreudian to Home & Garden (2 answers total)
Best answer: The best way I've found to get recommendations is to search for a local top-notch real estate agent, and ask them. Good agents tend to have good resources for home repair, cleaning, etc.

Call any agency and ask the receptionist who is the top salesperson for that office. Then ask that agent for a recommendation.

Best of luck.
posted by blob at 12:45 PM on November 2, 2015

Response by poster: Thank you! My friend knows a real estate agent In the area and will follow this advice.
posted by Schadenfreudian at 7:46 AM on November 8, 2015

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