Just another Wordpress.com question...
October 29, 2015 4:01 PM   Subscribe

Is there a widget which will display the most recent posts from a given category, or am I misremembering this feature?

For my Wordpress.com blog, I would like to have a widget at the foot of the page which shows the most recent post in a category or categories that I have previously set up.

So if I have 3 categories, I want a widget with 3 vertical panels, and within each panel it has the name of the category and the title and first line or two of the most recent post from said category. Kind of like on some blogs, when you read an individual entry, between the post and the comments section there is a "Related" bar which shows the hyperlinked title of three or so related posts, and then underneath each title, the text "In 'XCategory'" - except I want this to show at the foot of my blog's main page and with some of the text of the post included.

For some reason I thought the theme I picked had this functionality, but I was either confused or completely mistaken, as my current theme has no footer widget ability. But even if I change my theme to one that allows footer widgets, the best I can do is a category list or a category cloud. And I was so sure I could do this, too!

Searching has proved fruitless. What should I be looking for to make this happen? I have minimal coding skills.
posted by chainsofreedom to Technology (3 answers total)
Best answer: (a) this question is probably better posed on a Wordpress forum
(b) for your 3 panel functionality it might be best to insert 3 instances of an appropriate widget into your footer — a single widget is not likely to create three panels.
(c) an appropriate widget might be this one
(d) or just google "wordpress recent posts category with text widget"
posted by beagle at 5:45 PM on October 29, 2015

And, if your theme does not include the ability to add a footer widget, you are going to have to switch to one that does.
posted by beagle at 5:46 PM on October 29, 2015

Response by poster: Best answer for (c) and (d), thanks!
posted by chainsofreedom at 6:07 PM on October 29, 2015

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