Applying for a job I'm currently doing.
December 7, 2005 11:23 AM   Subscribe

How do I apply for a job I'm already doing?

I've been in this position for approximately a year, as a term employee. By all accounts I'm doing a marvellous job, but due to Union rules, it is now being posted as a permanent position and is an open competition with everyone in my bargaining unit. I'm encouraged to apply, but cannot except to be given the position (if anyone with more senority applies, I'll be out of work. I've only been here a year and a bit and it's the kind of place people stay for their entire career).

How do I write my resume/cover letter in this (weird but not unheard-of) circumstance? Do I write it as if I was a stranger applying for a job I've never done? Do I refer at all to the fact that I've been doing the job or the feedback I've recieved telling me I'm doing an excellent job? I'm confused, and I think my frustration with the situation is imparing my ability to think logically about the answer.
posted by raedyn to Work & Money (3 answers total)
Your cover letter is, in my opinion, the place for anecdotal evidence of your ability as a worker that does not fit into the more regimented form of a resume. The things you have going for you are your job experience for that particular job, the lack of additional infrastructure that will have to be put into place for you to do the job, and the lack of training you wil lrequire. These things should all go into the cover letter, with an explanation of exactly what the circumstances are. Your current boss will make an excellent reference.
posted by jon_kill at 11:35 AM on December 7, 2005

Best answer: I would certainly highlight the advantages to your employer of hiring you over any other candidate:

No training necessary, no down-time for learning curve
Already demonstrated ability to do job well with internal references!
Knowledgeable NOW to recommend new procedures or opportunities that others would take months to identify...etc.
Simple internal transition, everyone already identifies you with this job

As many ways as you can subtly imply how much extra work it would be for your boss to choose anyone else, the better!
posted by garbo at 11:39 AM on December 7, 2005

I was in that exact position once - I hated it. I'd definitely state that I'd been doing the job and doing it with praise in the cover letter - I'd also include a small bit about future projects I'd planned for that job.

In my situation it was a State job that I was trying to get hired for. I know my boss wanted to hire me - I just had to help him convince the higher-ups that I really was the best candidate for the job. Basically, having my resume tailored to the job made his argument easier. At least, I think it made it easier... I got the job in the end.
posted by soplerfo at 2:43 PM on December 7, 2005

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