Myspace email search
December 4, 2005 7:44 AM   Subscribe

Search using my address book?

I've been using for a few months and it was really easy to find people who already using it by importing my Outlook contacts. Friendster would tell me who was already a member. Myspace allows you to import some email lists but the only option is to spam everyone to see if they are already a user. Is there a utility or website that searches myspace by multiple email addresses w/o sending them an email? I'd rather not do it one address at a time.
posted by hokie409 to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
If you import your lists in MySpace, it shows you who is already a member. There's a link off your main page once you sign in.
posted by undertone at 8:11 AM on December 4, 2005

What undertone said.
I joined a week ago, and I let it search my Yahoo! mail address book. It showed me who was already a MySpace member, allowed me to delete any or all of the folks I didn't want to send a Friends Request to.
I assume you could just use their utility to seach your address book(s), jot down who's already a member and then send a personal email rather than use the MySpace generated generic email.
posted by willmize at 8:41 AM on December 4, 2005

Response by poster: Well shoot, it is possible. I've been clicking on
invite-->import addresses which only populates the address field of an email. But if you bother to scroll down to the bottom left of the main page.... there is what I'm looking for!
posted by hokie409 at 11:59 AM on December 4, 2005

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