Weird Urinary Issue
April 8, 2015 11:36 AM   Subscribe

Lately, I'll feel a very mild urge to urinate, but when I do, the output is high volume and seems disproportionate to the urgency. It's a little unsettling because this is unusual for me.

I did restart Wellbutrin recently, but I didn't experience this effect the last time I was on it. There's nothing unusual as far as the frequency of urination goes, and there's no pain or discomfort. Really, the only break from the usual is this lack of urgency.

The response to this from others tends to be "why are you complaining, that sounds awesome!" but I guess I'm still concerned. I can't find anything about this online; I went through an online flowchart (hehe) for urinary conditions, but it basically told me to get lost. What could account for what I'm experiencing?
posted by Enemy of Joy to Health & Fitness (4 answers total)
You should see your doctor. It could be a neurological thing (flaccid bladder). Better to get it checked out.
posted by gemutlichkeit at 11:52 AM on April 8, 2015

Response by poster: I haven't been doing anything that would cause nerve damage...I guess I'll go with the Wellbutrin side effect theory, since it's less scary and I've also experienced some new side effects this time around that I didn't last time (constant deja vu). Thanks!
posted by Enemy of Joy at 12:01 PM on April 8, 2015

Best answer: Seconding possible effect of the meds. Just wait a few weeks and see if it normalizes somewhat. Set yourself reminders on your phone if the urge really is very weak. If it doesn't go away or it gets worse, doctor time.
posted by zennie at 12:02 PM on April 8, 2015

Posting this under my sock puppet ID for reasons that will become obvious shortly. This happens to me whenever I smoke weed (maybe once a year at best) and is the specific reason I do not like smoking even though I don't have to worry about legal issues or cost... I have no idea I need to go to the washroom and when I do it's a massive volume. If I smoke I make myself to go at regular intervals and am always shocked by the amount. This is because my muscles are so relaxed I think. Any ways, this lack of realizing how badly I needed to go was the main contributor to a horrific kidney infection situation and after that I became more aware... My reason for posting this is it could very well be something to worry about if you are taking a prescription medication (Wellbutrin, weed etc) because the calming relaxation effects could be harming your urinary system. Just remind yourself to go regularly even when you don't feel like it and you should be okay, but check with your doctor if it is disrupting your life.
posted by Shoggoths in the Mist at 2:33 PM on April 8, 2015

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