Where To Find Live Tracks?
November 22, 2005 6:59 AM   Subscribe

On Saturday night, The Futureheads performed on CBC Radio 3, and I missed it! I know that there are those that would allow me to listen to this concert, but for the life of me I cannot reach them. I've tried Google and Just Concerts, but they do not have it. (additionally, everything is in RealPlayer format, ick-city!) Where might I go to find such live concerts in MP3 (or similar) format?

Also, I'm wary to ask this question, because it looks to me like "where 2 find mp3z kthx?" but the idea of listening to concerts seems to me to be quite a different beast from downloading whole albums. How else am I going to hear "The 50 State Song" in all its glory?
posted by hughbot to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
There's a CBC Radio 3 podcast available via iTunes. Probably other podcast/RSS apps could get it as well. I see a show from Nov 18 and it's downloading right now...
posted by GuyZero at 7:13 AM on November 22, 2005

The Internet Archive site has a load of live concerts by bands here
Some popular others not quite so, but they are all free and permitted by the bands.
posted by MarvinJ at 8:41 AM on November 22, 2005

Perhaps wait a bit? The CBC's not bad at getting radio appearances up on their various websites. Keep an eye on Zed as well; although it's not affiliated with R3, I've seen live cuts appear on the Zed site as well.

If it's not a studio appearance but a taped concert, then JustConcerts is probably still your best bet. If it aired just last weekend, it's entirely possible it just hasn't been uploaded yet (this is the CBC we're talking about here); email them and find out. Email CBCR3 too.
posted by chrominance at 12:52 PM on November 22, 2005

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