Looking for Durable Display Panels for Library Elevators
February 24, 2015 1:07 PM   Subscribe

I am looking for some sort of display panels for the elevators in our library. They will need to be bolted onto paneling. They should be durable and able to accommodate an 8.5" x 14" poster.

The posters will be to keep students up to date with the library's renovation progress, so the display panel should be easy enough for us to replace the posters with updates, but hopefully not easy enough for students to add their own commentary! I've checked the usual library supply sources (Demco, Brodart, etc.), but everything I've seen so far comes up short in some way. Any suggestions for new sources or products welcome!
posted by Wylie Kyoto to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
posted by at at 5:25 AM on February 26, 2015

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