Anxiety/ADHD in Boston
January 30, 2015 9:01 AM   Subscribe

I was diagnosed with anxiety and ADHD out of state. Where could I go in Boston to get meds as quickly as possible?

I tried going to a mental health clinic but they wanted an intake, an evaluation, and then if I was lucky I'd get a third appointment to convince them I needed meds. I do not have that kind of time and money. I'm wary of going to a psychiatrist for the same reason, since I was already diagnosed and don't need more evaluating. Should I go to a GP and just ask for meds? I'm 24 and don't want to seem like I'm just trying to get drugs or something. I'm in Boston, if you happen to have any specific recs...thanks!
posted by lhude sing cuccu to Health & Fitness (7 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Do you have an existing (even if out of state) prescription? If you do, and if you've been stable on a particular med (or combination of meds), I'd go to your GP - they may be willing to write you a new prescription for now, though they may also send you to a psychiatrist for future refills.

If you were recently diagnosed and haven't yet started any medication, your GP might be willing to prescribe you an SSRI for the anxiety, but they might prefer to refer you to a psychiatrist so that you can make a med plan that treats both of your conditions. I think it's fairly unlikely (though not impossible) that a GP will prescribe you ADHD medicine if you've never taken it before.
posted by insectosaurus at 9:19 AM on January 30, 2015

Response by poster: I don't have a prescription right now; my GP from my previous state had prescribed me meds that didn't work but I moved before I could go back and ask for a change. And I don't have anything yet for ADHD.

I think I'm more concerned about getting ADHD meds than anxiety meds right now, so if a GP wouldn't prescribe that, I'd like to know before I go and waste a copay...! I just don't feel like being judged and questioned by a psychiatrist for weeks/months before they give me anything...
posted by lhude sing cuccu at 9:29 AM on January 30, 2015

Just call the GP's office and ask if they are willing to manage treatment for ADHD. If they say they will, great. If not, ask them for a referral.

As an ADHDer myself, I feel your pain. Since the meds are controlled, there are a lot of hoops to jump through.
posted by ocherdraco at 9:53 AM on January 30, 2015

I MeMailed you.
posted by sutel at 10:34 AM on January 30, 2015

Many medications for both anxiety and ADHD are controlled substances with high abuse potential and street value so you are going to have a hard time getting medication from a doctor you've never seen before without being evaluated first.

Your best bet is to get your records sent from your out of state psychiatrist's office to the mental health clinic. You are still going to have to do an intake but they will be much more likely to prescribe you meds at the first appointment if they can see 1) that a medical professional has already evaluated and diagnosed you and 2) what medications you were prescribed and what has/hasn't worked for you.
posted by fox problems at 11:05 AM on January 30, 2015 [2 favorites]

I'm wary of going to a psychiatrist for the same reason, since I was already diagnosed and don't need more evaluating.

That may be, but a psychiatrist is exactly what you need here. They aren't just for diagnosing, they're also (or even primarily) for figuring out medication strategies for a diagnosed condition like ADHD. A psychiatrist will have a lot more experience figuring out what medication and doses you can try next based on your current symptoms and medications/doses that weren't successful in the past. A GP doesn't have anywhere near the same experience or knowledge base, and as a result will be far more reluctant (or outright refuse) to prescribe medications for mental health, particularly since you don't have a medication that has worked for you in the past. Even more so since you have anxiety as well.

I would recommend trying to find an ADHD specialist if you can, but failing that even a regular psychiatrist will be far far better for this stuff than a GP/family doctor (who often recognize this and won't even touch it). Either way, I agree with getting your records transferred so you're not "starting from scratch". It might take time and I know patience is often in short supply with ADHD, but figuring out a medication that works for ADHD is really a job for someone who knows what they're doing, and most of the time that's not a GP.
posted by randomnity at 11:56 AM on January 30, 2015 [1 favorite]

Afaik, the thing about anxiety with ADHD is that the typical meds (stimulants) for the latter aggravate the symptoms of the former (feeling jaggedy, among other things). So it's tricky, and you would probably want to go through a good assessment anyway, with the history of the med that didn't work, too, that would no doubt help, to reduce odds of being stuck with unpleasant and unanticipated side effects (e.g., insomnia, worse anxiety, etc.).
posted by cotton dress sock at 4:03 PM on January 30, 2015

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