Free book layout resouces?
November 18, 2005 1:52 PM   Subscribe

Recommendations for online Quark-based book layout and/or design resources? A free template for Standard Paperback format would be supremely appreciated.
posted by davebush to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
That's a bit like asking for free legal advice, yo. On top of which, there's not that much to a standard paperback -- it should take a Quark user 10 minutes to create a master page with a running header and footer.

I've never found a "Quark-based" resource, just the same as you won't see a "Microsoft Word-based" resource site for writers. It's not the tools, it's the skills.

What are you actually trying to achieve? You will get more answers if you, for example, say: "I have to lay out a book in Quark. What's the best way to find a good design for it, and how best can I do it?" If that is in fact your question.
posted by bonaldi at 12:45 PM on November 19, 2005

Response by poster: I have to lay out a book in Quark. What's the best way to find a good design for it, and how best can I do it?

That's pretty much it. Thanks.
posted by davebush at 2:29 PM on November 19, 2005

I've looked at your site, it seems you know your way around Quark and making things look pretty -- where exactly are you stuck?

Steal the design from a book you like, first of all. Then set up the layout. You know how to make master pages and text chains, right? Make a first-page-in-chapter master, then rest-of-chapter-master, facing pages, and flow the text in.
posted by bonaldi at 4:13 PM on November 20, 2005

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