Find this belt?
December 3, 2014 4:25 PM   Subscribe

I have no idea how to find this belt. I assume it's crocodile, or alligator?
posted by MrLLG to Shopping (2 answers total)
Best answer: It could just be cow, with the pattern imprinted on it.
You could have craftsmen (shoe maker, leather store) make a similar belt, The ones I know do a lot of custom work.

In your search try using 'contrast stitch', that should narrow it down.
posted by FallowKing at 4:36 PM on December 3, 2014

Looks like this is the belt. If you look closely at your photo you can see those notches in the corners of the buckle.
posted by the webmistress at 6:19 PM on December 3, 2014

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