Need a good lawyer in Victoria or Vancouver, British Columbia
November 30, 2014 3:22 PM   Subscribe

A friend in Victoria is trying to extricate herself from an emotionally abusive relationship. She has been living with this man for ten years and they own a house jointly.

He can't afford the mortgage by himself, won't put the house on the market, and wants her to pitch in until his income qualifies (which is never likely to happen). She owns a business on her own, but this may be a common-law situation by now and he's been making noises about going after her business if she doesn't play ball on the mortgage. Major complication: her 18-year-old daughter lives in the house and doesn't really understand how abusive this guy has been, and doesn't side with my friend.

Any recommendations for a lawyer in that area who could help her figure out her options? Or even what type of lawyer she should seek out?
posted by Johnny Wallflower to Law & Government (4 answers total)
See pm
posted by Chaussette and the Pussy Cats at 3:24 PM on November 30, 2014

Well, Vancouver isn't that easy to get to, but I highly recommend Rob Hughes, a friend of mine who helped with immigration law years ago. I don't know what kind of lawyer she needs either, but if he isn't the right kind, perhaps he can recommend someone closer who is.
posted by Margalo Epps at 10:35 PM on November 30, 2014

She needs to see a family lawyer. An immigration lawyer or other random type of lawyer isn't going to cut it. I will PM you with the name and contact info of an excellent family lawyer who is a partner in a family and estates law firm in Victoria.
posted by keep it under cover at 11:37 PM on November 30, 2014

Response by poster: Thanks to all who responded. My friend will be in good hands.
posted by Johnny Wallflower at 5:23 PM on December 1, 2014

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