iPad game similar to Harpoon Lagoon?
September 1, 2014 2:41 PM   Subscribe

Please help me find a game for the iPad similar to the game we played in the arcade this weekend.

My wife, who is not a gamer at all, fell head-over-heels in love with a game this weekend at our boy's birthday party. It was at a pizza place similar to a Dave & Busters, one of those places with tons of those redemption games that give kids tickets they can cash in for crappy prizes.

Like I said, she is not a gamer. But there have been exactly two occasions in which she fell in love with a game and couldn't stop playing it. The first was when "Plants Vs. Zombies" came out, and this game was the second time. She said she literally could have played it all day, she was having so much fun.

It was called "Harpoon Lagoon," and there's photos and video of it here. Here's another video. You basically point your harpoon and press the button, and it shoots out and brings back whatever fish you catch. Your final score is based on how many pounds of fish you're able to catch.

I thought for sure there would be an iPad version of this, because it's perfectly suited to a touchscreen, but Google is failing me. There are some sketchy Flash sites that say they have a clone of it, but we're not going there. Is there anything on the app store that is similar in gameplay, that she might enjoy?
posted by jbickers to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
A little different, but she might like Ragdoll Blaster 2. I think #2 is the best of the series. It's similar in that you can aim, shoot, and rely on timing to get through each level with the best score. It's challenging because there's a physics component that expands with each set of levels. And it's challenging to go back and try to improve your score.

This was my favorite game for a good three months. I didn't want to play anything else.

The music is one of the best parts. The music isn't what's in the video, but it is wonderful. Sort of this dark carnival music. There are little oooph and whee-hee noise when you shoot the ragdolls.
posted by mochapickle at 3:11 PM on September 1, 2014

Ridiculous Fishing might fit the bill.
posted by terretu at 3:19 PM on September 1, 2014 [3 favorites]

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