Cafe shirts
November 1, 2005 10:02 PM   Subscribe

Where can I find information about an Italian shirt manufacturer named "Cafe"?

Two of the most beautiful shirts I've ever owned were made by Cafe, which apparently is an Italian company. The cut and styling are very nice but it's the fabrics they use that I love. Ocassionally I'll find and buy a Cafe shirt on Ebay. Can anyone point me towards a store with a good selection of Cafe shirts? Failing that, if anyone is familiar with their fabric sources, could you point me at them?
posted by rdr to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (4 answers total)
What does the label say exactly? I did a lengthy report on Italian textiles and designers and have never heard of this brand. The label is required by US law to say the country of origin somewhere on there. Usually most designers like to put "Made in Tuscany" to be more specific.

Also this may be a really small company, federal law also dictates that they have washing instructions attatched somewhere on the shirt.

I'm only asking because I've run into hole-in-the-wall t-shirt makers and the heads up to me that they are tiny are not meeting federal guidelines. Even the more obscure brands I've managed to acquire stateside have these (as the stores are also obligated to purchase clothing with washing instructions and country of origin). This should give you some indication if it is even possible to track this down.
posted by geoff. at 11:06 PM on November 1, 2005

Response by poster: When I returned home I dug out one of my cafe shirts and a closer reading of the label reveals that Cafe is probably not an italian manufacturer. The label says; "Styled in Italy, Cafe, Do not remove this label, lemonade ices burgers soda" and some other illegible words. It is in english so I'm guessing Cafe is actually based in an english speaking country.
posted by rdr at 12:06 AM on November 2, 2005

Response by poster: Now that I've got the label text I've googled it and found this which indicates that Cafe is defunct and was popula in the 80's. I'd still like to know more about them.
posted by rdr at 12:14 AM on November 2, 2005

Best answer: Cafe Clothing is NOT 'Italian'. I don't care what they claim, assuming this is the same cafe.

The designer was one Ricky Wolman. Originally from South Africa. They moved and set up shop in Los Angeles. They were doing rather well in 1989. But it was still the 'rag trade', so anything is/was possible.

My favorite trick I saw them employ were hand-made prints made from hand-carved wood blocks. Made cool fabric!

I checked my favorite Cafe shirt against rdr's link, and that is the same company, and indeed, the label claims "Styled in Italy". What BS! Ricky worked in his studio in the factory. He was a pleasant sort, and straight (which surprised me).

I'm shocked to hear they went down in 1989, as I left them in January of that year. They seemed to be doing okay, although their office was horribly mismanaged. It was the only small garment biz I worked in, so I can't relate it to others.

If you'd like to know more, write me. Oh, the shirts used to retail for $80 and more, which was FAR too much for a shirt, for my notions of such things. Mind, that's in 1989 dollars.
posted by Goofyy at 5:46 AM on November 2, 2005

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