I'd like to come to RuPaul's Drag Race Finale
March 23, 2014 6:56 AM   Subscribe

I'm a big fan of RuPaul's Drag Race. I often watch the series online weeks or months after initially airs but this season I'm caught up and I'd really like to see the finale. They had it once or twice in L.A. but most often it is in NYC (or has been for the last few years). Other than the sweepstakes to win airfare to the finale I can't find any information about how to request or purchase tickets on the internet. I tried contacting LogoTV (no response) and tweeted at RuPaul asking her for advice - but I know she's busy. Anyone have any advice on how to find out how to purchase tickets?
posted by arnicae to Media & Arts (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: Oh and just to clarify - I'm talking about tickets for the Season 6 finale, not tickets for the touring "Battle of the Seasons".
posted by arnicae at 6:57 AM on March 23, 2014 [1 favorite]

Mod note: Couple comments deleted; OP is not anon, if you want to talk to them about something other than getting tickets, MefiMail is an option. Thanks.
posted by LobsterMitten (staff) at 7:59 AM on March 23, 2014

Tweet at @WorldofWonder or follow them. Ticket information should be out in a few weeks judging from past seasons.
posted by acidic at 9:07 AM on March 23, 2014 [1 favorite]

They had it once or twice in L.A. but most often it is in NYC (or has been for the last few years).

There may have been finale events in New York, but I'm pretty sure all the finales have actually been filmed in L.A. I definitely know that the Season 4 and 5 finales were filmed at the El Portal Theatre in North Hollywood.
posted by scody at 10:03 AM on March 23, 2014

just as an aside, i think at the LA one they film all three finalists winning, and then don't actually announce the winner until it airs a few weeks later. Or that's what happened to Jinkx Monsoon last season - she says so in her documentary.

Not trying to dissuade you from going! If you want to see who actually wins, i think the NYC one is the one you want - they watch the finale from a bar and THEN it's announced live.
posted by andreapandrea at 3:23 PM on March 23, 2014

FWIW I was at last years finale in NYC that I think you are talking about. It was at Club XL on West 42nd and you can check their website for the announcement and tickets. I don't know why it wouldn't be at XL again. I guess it was in May last year so start checking in April?? I wasn't in charge of the ticket buying - but it does sell out. I think we bought late and there was only VIP left - which we paid for. FWIW if you can swing it - VIP is the way to go. It was so insanely crowded I would've lost it and might not have made it through if I'd had to stand the whole time. And if you go - go early and stand in the stupid damn forever long line to get in. Expect a madhouse. We tried to have a nice dinner first and we got there late/on time and almost didn't get into our table. We had to get dramatic and get dragged through the horrific crowd.

Onto the good stuff - it was so much fun. Ru wasn't there but all the queens perform after we watch the show. It was the first time I'd actually seen Bianca - she was co-host with Michelle. Heart her. Hope you make it!
posted by rdnnyc at 4:40 PM on March 23, 2014

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