Solutions for sharing contacts and postal address labels
March 16, 2014 2:11 PM   Subscribe

looking for an online, cross-platform solution that will allow us ability to create both postal address labels and group email

Our small organization has a contact database of under 200 contacts. Since we all share this database, I have been looking for an online, cross-platform solution that will allow us ability to create both postal address labels and group email. My hope is to have a simple solution without bells and whistles that will encourage our neophyte computer users to further embrace cloud technology.

Google drive/Gmail does in fact offer a solution by first exporting gmail contacts to a spreadsheet, then creating a mail-merge to a label template. Unfortunately this complex process will certainly create frustration for most users.

The other solution I found is Plaxo who has teamed with Avery to create labels online with just a few clicks. I havent checked it out though because my experience with Plaxo is loads of spam and contact mining. We don't want to share our contacts with anyone outside our organization.

Does anyone have experience with Plaxo or have ideas for other free-ish providers? Thanks!
posted by lake59 to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: When you say group email, do you mean email blasts? MailChimp is great for this. Super easy to use, and it's free if you have less than 200 subscribers.

I'd caution against using GMail for email blasts, as it could make your email look like spam. You'll get a much higher delivery rate with an email marketing service like MailChimp.

Unfortunately I don't know of anything cross-platform.
posted by radioamy at 6:48 PM on March 16, 2014

Response by poster: Hi Radioamy. MailChimp looks like a good product but does not offer the option for making postal address labels. We may often send email "blasts" within our group, but not as solicitation to a wider audience.
posted by lake59 at 5:26 AM on March 17, 2014

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