Identify The Poe(t|m)
February 24, 2014 3:42 PM   Subscribe

I recently saw Gloria and about 35 minutes in Rodolfo woos Gloria by reading a poem to her. A comment on IMDB identifies the author as Claudio Bertoni. Can anyone confirm the author and help me to find the poem online in English?
posted by geekyguy to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Best answer: This interview confirms it. The poem is here in Spanish. I cannot seem to find an English translation, but this is from a subtitle file for the film:

I'd like to be a nest if you were a little bird.
I'd like to be a scarf if you were a neck and were cold.
If you were music, I'd be an ear.
If you were water, I'd be a glass.
If you were light, I'd be an eye.
If you were a foot, I'd be a sock.
If you were the sea, I'd be a beach.
And if you were still the sea, I'd be a fish,
and I'd swim in you.
And if you were the sea, I'd be salt.
And if I were salt, you'd be lettuce,
an avocado or at least a fried egg.
And if you were a fried egg,
I 'd be a piece of bread.
And if I were a piece of bread,
you'd be butter or jam.
If you were jam,
I'd be the peach in the jam.
If I were a peach,
you'd be a tree.
And if you were a tree,
I'd be your sap...
and I'd course through your arms like blood.
And if I were blood,
I'd live in your heart.
posted by O9scar at 4:25 PM on February 24, 2014 [1 favorite]

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