Lug-sole canvas sneakers?
October 15, 2005 7:43 AM   Subscribe

Where can I find some lugged-sole canvas sneakers?

I'm looking for some canvas hiking shoes. Ideally, something like a low-cut Israeli combat boot, a Chuck Taylor with a lugged sole or a grown-up version of these Naot Trackers. Does such a thing exist? (Preferably in all-black, definitely in mens sizes.) Is there somewhere on the web I can buy a pair?
posted by box to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (13 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
palladium used to make exactly what you are looking for (nowadays they only seem to mostly make trendy shoes) -- most of my friends in hamburg had a pair in the late 80s, and they were quite popular with archaeologists and the like long before that.

basically the same thing as the naot trackers you liked (I'm sure the design was lifted from palladium, even). it's funny, palladium also still make a similar shoe for children but their adult line reflects not at all its humble heritage -- it only used to consist of high and low top shoes in that one style, in various army/desert type colors.

man I would really love to have a pair of those these days -- I hope someone else can help better than my pathetic non-attempt.
posted by dorian at 8:28 AM on October 15, 2005

some more examples altho the low-cut version is absent.
posted by dorian at 8:32 AM on October 15, 2005

Best answer: duh me... hi and lo.

not sure I would pay ~$100 and shipping from japan. but since it seems like they are in fact still making the old models, surely there is somewhere that imports them or at least some more reasonably-prices stores in eu/uk.
posted by dorian at 8:41 AM on October 15, 2005

more recollections of misspent youth: hi-tec (again, used) to make something called the "sierra sneaker" -- some of my friends in boy scouts had them.

you might also try looking at vegan shoe/clothing shops...
posted by dorian at 9:09 AM on October 15, 2005

Response by poster: Why on earth have all these companies stopped making them, or stopped making them for adults, or stopped selling them anywhere but Japan? It seems like such a good design.

For the edification of other people who might be looking at this, PF Flyers make a shoe that's... vaguely similar to what I'm looking for.
posted by box at 9:39 AM on October 15, 2005

Many years ago I worked at an Army Navy Store that's since gone out of business. They carried a shoe that looked like a cross between an Israeli Combat Boot and a Chuck Taylor. They were called Israeli Combat Sneakers, and they were very comfortable. Sadly I haven't been able to find them anywhere else...
posted by inky at 9:40 AM on October 15, 2005

considering how insane japan can be w.r.t retro/vintage clothing, it's entirely possible that maggie site has a huge mound of nos (new-old-stock, i.e. originals) sitting in a warehouse somewhere. altho if that were truly the case, it would be selling for 3-4x the price they actually list.

also: after some browsing thru the current site, it seems they do still make the pampa hi model. still no idea where to get them, but it's something.
posted by dorian at 9:50 AM on October 15, 2005

more useless info: apparently a few years ago an american? company called consolidated shoe acquired palladium. the american site for the sub-brand does not show any of the traditional models (bastards) which explains why zappos etc. don't have them. but, as mentioned, the .fr site does.

/sigh, one day we will have the cheap 3-d printers and be able to reconstruct any item of clothing we wish...
posted by dorian at 10:08 AM on October 15, 2005

Best answer: Naot apparently does (did) make a version of the Tracker (lo) and Scout (hi) for men. Unfortunately, the only place I can find them right now they cost $130-5 (!) and they don't have any in black.
posted by Utilitaritron at 11:28 AM on October 15, 2005

Keen makes something like it. Not quite a chuck taylor but very comfy.
posted by doctor_negative at 11:51 AM on October 15, 2005

I actually have a leather hi-top version of the keen shoe doc_neg posted. it's not bad. not as much traction as a lug sole, but not bad. the mesh one looks pretty interesting, I seem to recall they also make a hi-top version of it.
posted by dorian at 12:07 PM on October 15, 2005

I have the those Keens in mesh hitop; it does have (nylon) mesh panels, but it's still mostly leather. I like them, but it's too hot in the summer.

There are hemp boots available.
posted by Utilitaritron at 1:06 PM on October 15, 2005

Best answer: Some lower Israeli boots.
posted by Utilitaritron at 9:58 AM on October 16, 2005

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