Dog defense in Los Angeles
November 30, 2013 5:44 PM   Subscribe

Good people of MeFi, please tell me anything you can about defending against a plaintiff and animal control after having your dog bite someone. Anecdotes? Love to hear 'em. Attorney recommendations? Love those even more. Getting homeowners insurance affordably after settling a dog bite suit? I'll listen to and consider anything and everything. California and Los Angeles a plus.
posted by infinitewindow to Pets & Animals (2 answers total)
I know an animal rights attorney in Los Angeles. I have her email, but not with me at the moment. Memail me so I don't forget, and I'll give it to you. I don't know how much experience she has with dog bites, but at the least she may have a good referral for you.
posted by insectosaurus at 5:55 PM on November 30, 2013

Best answer: Why is your homeowners insurance carrier not providing your defense? If you are being sued over a dog bite, the plaintiff is probably hoping to collect on your homeowners insurance. The insurance company would likely want to (and may be required to) defend you.
posted by jayder at 7:42 PM on November 30, 2013 [1 favorite]

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