Help me find a good pendant for a man
November 27, 2013 2:35 PM   Subscribe

I am looking for links to places online (or names of brick-and-mortar shops accessible to the Seattle or Portland area) where I can find a unique and unusual pendant for a man. The price should be in the $75-$150 range. I already have a white gold chain so I am looking for the pendant alone.

His personal style can probably be described as upscale and hip, quirky and relatively subdued but with dashes of flair, and basically gender-normative as far as "masculine" styles vs. "feminine" styles. He has expressed interest in Norse styles, but most of what I find on Etsy in that style seems to be a symbol that may be confused with something involved with white supremacism, which is a big DO NOT WANT. He is also very interested in Tibetan art, but most of what I've seen of jewelry in that vein reads "hippie", which is also NOT what he would want. Other do-not-wants: religious symbolism, steampunk, anything mass-produced or cheap-looking, anything too representative. The previous pendant I attempted to give him was a medallion-style and too large, so it read a little "feminine", and it didn't work with his style. Abstract geometric styles are good, as is the "hammered" look. He likes independent menswear boutiques and stylish concept stores. He also likes vintage motorcycle culture.
posted by matildaben to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Shapeways? Note that it's actually manufactured by 3D printing at the time you order it, so the price changes based on what metal and finish and other options you choose.
posted by XMLicious at 2:49 PM on November 27, 2013 [1 favorite]

You could try the Phinney Community Center's upcoming craft fair (Dec 7th & 8th); I've gotten great holiday gifts there before.

The Urban Craft Uprising is also happening that weekend and there will be a lot of interesting jewelers there.
posted by brookeb at 3:35 PM on November 27, 2013

They sell these Pyrra pendants at the upscale denim shop where I live. Here are examples, might be a little above your price range but pretty close.
posted by belau at 3:44 PM on November 27, 2013

You won't be able to find one like mine, but you might find what mine is a turquoise carving of, a large antique Chinese bronze coin or luck medallion. These are round with square central holes in the middle. I wear my carving on a thong so I thread it through the center but you could either drill or have a larger finding made to hang a bronze coin from a chain. Smaller coins of this type about 1 inch in diameter are very common and cheap, but there are larger ones about 1.5 inch in diameter which exist and aren't ridiculously hard to find. I suspect that Seattle is large enough to have at least one shop specializing in them. This idea also has the advantage that you can splurge on a really valuable one and potential thieves won't have any idea what it is.
posted by localroger at 7:00 PM on November 27, 2013

The Portland Saturday Market may be a good place to shop for something like this. It's full of unique and interesting (and often handmade) items.
posted by hippybear at 6:23 AM on November 28, 2013

Seconding Portland Saturday Market, I found several gift pendants there of carved wood, fossilized pinecones, metal. Another good option in Portland is Paxton Gate, especially for someone into science or animals.
posted by olecranon at 10:02 AM on November 28, 2013

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