What calendar/scheduling program might have output this graphic?
November 21, 2013 6:36 PM   Subscribe

I've taken over a graphic design project and need to update this weekly calendar image (just the schedule part, not the kids on rolling globes). But I only have the image, not the original working file. Where did it come from?

I inherited an InDesign file from the former designer, but none of the links to graphics, fonts, etc., and nobody I'm working with can access the original files. InDesign tells me that the schedule image file I need to update was named "Calendar — Week — 9:9:13 to 9:15:13.pdf." The filename seems like it would have been created by some calendar program that exported the weekly schedule into a pdf, rather than typed by a human. I want to find out if I can update the schedule in said program (there are only about four or five schedule changes) and re-export it. Unless you think the weekly schedule image was handmade in Photoshop or Excel or ... ? Suggestions? And/or fastest way to recreate it? It doesn't need to look exactly the same but it should display the same info, be no harder to read, and have the same dimensions. Thank you!
posted by nevers to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Response by poster: Oh, and this is for a printed piece, so I can't just doctor the .gif that I linked to, since that would be too low-res.
posted by nevers at 6:40 PM on November 21, 2013

Looks simple enough that I'd probably just recreate it in InDesign, especially if you're going to need to update it on a regular basis.

Alternatively, is it possible that someone else at the organization who keeps the calendar is using the program that outputs it?
posted by brentajones at 6:49 PM on November 21, 2013

Best answer: That looks like the iCal/Calendar (OS X) week view if you print to PDF.
posted by JackBurden at 7:26 PM on November 21, 2013

If I'm not mistaken, that's a PDF of an Apple Calendar calendar.
posted by jroybal at 7:26 PM on November 21, 2013

Response by poster: Perfect. I don't have a Mac so never would have known this (and mostly this organization uses Google calendar, so iCal wouldn't have come to mind). Thanks, ask.me!
posted by nevers at 9:02 PM on November 21, 2013

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