The Stuff Their Website Won't Tell You
October 23, 2013 11:26 AM   Subscribe

I am interviewing for a job tomorrow with Edmentum. Have you worked there or used their products?

Based on what I've been able to discover from their website, their mission, products, and markets are in line with my skills and interests. However, I know from previous experience, that there is often a disconnect between what marketing material says and actual customer experience. Also, even though the markets and products may be great, other factors can make a job not so fun (i.e. ineffectual management, company culture, etc.) I have a few friends in education I have queried, I have looked at sites like Glassdoor (limited info), and for connections on LinkedIn (haven't found any). I am turning to you, my biggest and best source of random information, for any knowledge you have of their products and/or company in general, especially tidbits that are not likely to come up in a google search.
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