Do-It-Yourself 3D video?
September 26, 2013 1:10 AM   Subscribe

I have two Sony Digital Handycams, each one has Firewire / iLink DV output. It strikes me that I could get a big 2x6 piece of wood and mount both cameras onto it, and record on both simultaneously and from two different eye viewpoints.

I would probably need to switch the Autofocus over to "Manual", and get the zoom on each frame to more-or-less match up.

But then, what could I do with these two video files? Perhaps someone here on MetaFilter goes to SIGGRAPH or works with Final Cut Pro or Avid Media Composer or Premiere or something by Adobe a lot more than I do, and would know what very specialized plugin I could use to combine two videos into one "3D" video?

I know that for flat 2D images, Microsoft gives away a free tool called the "Microsoft Image Compositing Editor" which stitches together panoramas from multiple overlapping 2D pictures.

Is there any chance that someone out there has a tool to "stitch" two 2D videos together into a 3D one, which could then be viewed on a 3D TV with active-shutter glasses?
posted by shipbreaker to Technology (3 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

Try searching on "anaglyph software". These videos would be viewed with 1950s-style red-blue glasses.
posted by Blazecock Pileon at 2:25 AM on September 26, 2013

Stereo movie maker is free. Magix Plus has a free demo. The problem with using the handy cam is that you need frame accurate sync or else moving objects will have false depth.
posted by Sophont at 3:41 AM on September 26, 2013

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