Recommendations for the Time Based Art Festival in Portland
September 3, 2013 2:20 PM   Subscribe

Hi. I've lived in Portland for several years and have heard about this time based art festival that happens and am interested in experiencing some of it. However the website ( is a bit overwhelming and I'm not familiar with any of the artists that they mention. Has anyone gone? Are there any events that you would recommend? I'll probably just pick a few at random but if anyone has any pointers I'd appreciate the help. Thanks!
posted by eggkeeper to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I went to a PICA setup in the late 90s (so, early on, before TBA). I was with some folks who'd mapped out a handful of events that were taking place that day. There were some good, some bad, but only one that's stuck with me all these years later:

The scene was in some sort of communal dining facility (I want to say it was at Lewis & Clark, where I attended school, but part of me thinks it was at Reed). There were a group of topless women who had painted their skin stark white and they were all pouring milk over one another while jumping onto and off of the tables for the 10 or so minutes we were there. I don't believe that anyone said anything. It was ... bizarre.

I believe that one of the The Blow shows I attended years later was part of TBA proper. I see that Khaela is performing under that moniker again this year, and can recommend seeing her performance. The Kim Gordon (formerly of Sonic Youth) Body/Head thing seems like it'd either be fascinating or a train-wreck. None of the rest of the lineup rings any bells, but clicking through them at random they all seem like at least an amusing time.

I'd suggest that you rope at least a couple people in with you to join in the fun (propose a meetup?) and that you keep an eye on The Mercury's TBA page (some photos potentially NSFW) as they're generally good about (p)reviewing these sorts of things.
posted by togdon at 3:42 PM on September 3, 2013

Events tagged The Works are at a nightly after-hours venue. In past years this has been a lively scene with food and drink, with acts that are especially fun and accessible.

If drag culture and queer performance art appeal to you—and if you can stay up that late—you might check out my friend Kaj-Anne Pepper's Critical Mascara: A Post-Realness Drag Ball. On the same tip, this looks good too.
posted by ottereroticist at 4:04 PM on September 3, 2013

Yeah, you know in past years I've just gone to things that struck my fancy more or less at random and always enjoyed myself. TBA is well curated, so even if something isn't to my taste, I still generally find it worth my time.
posted by ottereroticist at 4:09 PM on September 3, 2013

What kind of events / shows do you like? Then I can help with some specific recommendations.

These kinds of festivals run the gamut; sublime to ridiculous, from very Arty to very accessible. At the very least I say dive in and go. Pick a couple of things, know that you might not like everything, but that also you might hit something that is completely mindblowing. Be open and enjoy.
posted by miles1972 at 5:33 PM on September 3, 2013

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