Looking for a site for people to share photos/comments after an event
June 26, 2013 3:46 PM   Subscribe

I'm Looking for a site for people to share photos/comments after an event, in as easy a way as possible, ideally without having to sign up with a password or use facebook.

A bunch of people all came together for an event. Many of them took photos. We have all their email adddresses.

I'd like to find a site where they can all share the photos, and comment on them. Not everyone is on facebook. I'd rather this be as easy to do as possible, so I'd rather people not have to sign up for an account in order to post/comment.

Dropevent comes very close, in that it seems to make it easy to post photos. But there doesn't seem to be a way to add comments to the photos, which is something I'd like to see, too.

Any suggestions?
posted by PersonAndSalt to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Shutterfly comes close: You do have to sign up for an account to post pictures (though not to look at them), but you can use a fake name and email address without a problem.
posted by cider at 4:29 PM on June 26, 2013

Check out Pixt. I continue to be impressed by it.

While you do have to sign up for an account you can bring photos from your services of preference such as Flickr, Instagram, Facebook, Picasa, etc.

You can make your walls public, or limit them to a group, invitation, etc. People can arrange, comment, etc.
posted by FlamingBore at 6:37 PM on June 26, 2013

If people don't have to sign up and validate an account, you'll get tons of spam comments. You could create an account, like TheorasExcellentEvent, with a decent password wehadFUN2013, and give out the userid and password to anyone without an account. Facebook group, Flickr, etc.
posted by theora55 at 4:34 PM on June 27, 2013

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